The Book of ACTS Part 9


10AM Sunday Worship Service / 11:15AM Sunday Pastors' Class / 630PM Wednesday Bible Study

Apr. 26, 2023

You Can't Always Get What You Want.

In Acts 3:1-11 Sitting outside the Temple at the gate called Beautiful, a lame beggar since birth was wanting alms in order to purchase food and survive. On this particular day he received something he needed and didn't even realize he needed it. He wasn't sitting outside the Temple praying or asking for others to pray for healing for him. He was begging for money.

On this particular day the lame beggar was immediately healed. It wasn't a process of rehab and therapy for him to be able to walk again, it was immediately! He wasn't only healed physically but his sins were forgiven!

You can't always get what you want. But God always gives what you need.