Family Ministries


10AM Sunday Worship Service / 11:15AM Sunday Pastors' Class / 630PM Wednesday Bible Study

Enriching our children & youth

At FBC, we have the primary goal of seeing that children discover who God is through the Word, so that they will turn to Christ for salvation, grow in their knowledge and love of God, and live in grateful response to His grace. There are multiple learning opportunities for your children. Our Family Ministries cater to all ages. Whether your child be Newborn or 18 years old, we have a place for them at FBC! 

For more information about our Children's Ministries, please contact our Children's Director Melissa Smith

Little Buds Nursery

Lil’ Buds Nursery is offered every Sunday morning at 10am for children ages 0-2. The goal of the Lil’ Buds ministry is to help take those first steps with parents towards introducing Jesus’ love to children through a loving, Christ-centered environment that is comfortable, while being secure. Our nursery is located in the rear of the auditorium building. 

Children's sunday school

Our Children’s Sunday School program is offered every Sunday morning at 10am, for children ages 3 to 11 yrs old.  

We offer two classes geared towards these age groups:

3- 5 yrs and 6-11 yrs.

At FBC, our children are lead through the narrative of Scriptures using the Generations of Grace curriculum. Teachers' goals are to help the children better understand the Truth, to grow through songs, memorizing verses, prayer, object lessons, interactive participation and games. Our classrooms are located in the main church building. All of our teachers are trained and have been background checked. 


Adventure Club teaches kids from 3 years old through 6th grade systematic theology of the Bible in order to help them learn to know, love, and serve our Lord Jesus Christ. Each Wednesday brings a time of singing, games, lesson review, reciting Scripture and teaching according to the different age groups.

The Adventure runs from August 28, 2024 through May 14, 2025 from 6pm to 7:30pm, held every Wednesday evening in our Gym building. Visit our Adventure Club web page for more info. 


TEENS For Christ Student program

Our Teens For Christ Student Ministry runs from August 28, 2024 through May 14, 2025, meeting on Wednesday's from 630pm to 7:30pm. A biblically solid, in-depth curriculum will prepare our youth for a better understanding and application of God's Word in today's age.

If you're a student aged 7th through 12th grade, you won't want to miss this program! Email Deacon Dave Bliesner for more info. 


  Check Out Our Youth Events