Book Reviews
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Long Before Luther - March 2025 Book Review
by: Joseph Hamlin
Long Before Luther
by: Nathan Busenitz
We often hear in the church today that the doctrine of justification by grace alone through faith alone came from the Reformation. Because of this, some think the doctrine of Sola Fida (faith alone) should be seen as an invention of the reformers.
In this wonderful book by Dr. Busenitz, he shows us, in no uncertain terms, that this is not the case. We see that this doctrine originates in Scripture and can be found in the writings of sev more
The War on Children - February 2025 Book Review
by: Joseph Hamlin
The War on Children
by John MacArthur
Believe it or not, every day in this world, Satan is attacking our children. He does this in many ways. Our current system seems to be designed in such a way as to target people at the most vulnerable level. It is a system that desires to erase God from the equation. It desires above all else to corrupt and consume young children. Make no mistake about it, this is a war and we as Christians must understand this.
For too many years, paren more
The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God - January 2025 Book Review
by: Joseph Hamlin
The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God
by: D.A. Carson
If you're looking for a very stimulating and thought provoking read, regarding the love of God, this is the book for you.
In this book, Dr. Carson explains why the doctrine of the love of God can at times be difficult to understand. He explains that the reason for this is because our culture has secularized God’s love. Also, throughout this book, Dr. Carson critiques popular beliefs about God’s love such as, “God hate more
All Things For Good - December 2024 Book Review
by: Joseph Hamlin
All Things For Good
by Thomas Watson
This book unpacks a text that has comforted believers for centuries!
Thomas Watson explains the text in a balanced perspective both doctrinally and practically. The Apostle Paul says: “and we know”. Do you know? Have you arrived at a Holy confidence as you consider the meaning of Romans 8:28? Do you realize that the best and worst things that we experience in our lives all work in unison for our good? The author also discusses various rem more
Revelation 20 and the Millennial Debate - November 2024 Book Review
by: Joseph Hamlin
Revelation 20 and the Millennial Debate
by: Matthew Waymeyer
If you have been a Christian for any length of time, you have most likely met people who hold to different views on the millennium found in Revelation 20. There are three different views that are out there and all three are held by godly men and women. The question is, why is there so much debate on this issue when the fact of the matter is, we all have the same Bible? That is exactly what this book deals with.
Dr. more
by: Joseph Hamlin
The Cross in the shadow of the crescent
by Erwin Lutzer
Of the many challenges the Christian church has faced throughout the years, Radical Islam is one of the greatest. In this book, Dr. Lutzer helps to give Christians an understanding of this threat from a biblical perspective and informs them of what their responsibility is in this hour.
This book is essentially a wakeup-call to every thinking American generally, but Christians specifically. It is a powerful more
by: Joseph Hamlin
by J. Mack Stiles
This book is one of the best books on evangelism that I have ever reviewed. The reason for this is that it does not simply talk about evangelism as something we go out and do, but as a way of life.
This book focuses on the importance of cultivating a culture of evangelism within the local church. This differs drastically from the idea of evangelism that was promoted during the early part of the century.
Evangelism was thought of as somet more
Maturity... in the christian life - AUGUST 2024 Book Review
by: Joseph Hamlin
by Sinclair B. Ferguson
As a community of believers, we sometimes forget that when someone becomes a Christian, they have just begun their spiritual walk. From that point on they must be growing up to maturity in their faith.
This was a very real concern of the early church and it should also be a concern for us today. As we read Scripture, we see that it was the Apostle Paul’s desire to present those to whom he ministered, “mature in Christ.”
In this book by more
Letter to the American Church - July 2024 Book Review
by: Joseph Hamlin
Letter to the American Church
by Eric Metaxas
This book by Eric Metaxas is a book that may ruffle some feathers in today’s evangelical church. If you're someone who reads this book and finds areas of disagreement, I would challenge you to sit back and ask yourself, “In what areas does Eric have it wrong?” In reviewing this book, Dr. Erwin Lutzer states that this question was more difficult to answer than he had anticipated.
In this insightful work, Metaxas calls more
by: Joseph Hamlin
Has the Church Replaced Israel?
by Michael Vlach
For many years the relationship between Israel and the Church has been a controversial topic. The primary question in this controversy is, “Does the church replace, or fulfill the nation of Israel in God’s plan, or will Israel be saved and restored with a unique identity and role?” This is the topic that Dr. Vlach examines in this book.
The name given to the belief that the church has replaced Israel in God’s plan is Sup more
THE TRELLIS AND THE VINE- May 2024 Book Review
by: Joseph Hamlin
The Trellis and the Vine
by Collin Marshall and Tony Payne
We sometimes have the mind set that as Christians our job is to share the gospel and that is it. However, if we look back to the words of our Lord in the gospels, He calls us to make disciples not just to make converts. This is an essential aspect of the Christian life and ministry that we dare not forget. As we minister within the local church we need to be about the business of discipling others. In more
by: Joseph Hamlin
The Gospel Call & True Conversion
by Paul Washer
In a time when easy believism is rampant in our churches, a book like this is greatly needed. In this book, Paul Washer does an excellent job at showing the reader, from Scripture, that being a Christian is not a matter of just making a decision for Jesus or turning over a new leaf. It's a miracle of God's grace in which a sinner is brought by God’s power from death to life.
We can all, at times, think that we more
Missions- March 2024 book Review
by: Joseph Hamlin
by Andy Johnson
As we attend church services throughout or lives, we often hear a call to missions. We hear missionaries from far away lands teaching of their ministry. We're offered the opportunities to go on any number of short-term mission trips. However, through all of this we often forget the basic truths behind missions.
In this book, Andy Johnson goes back to basics to remind us what missions is all about. Andy begins by laying the biblical foun more
A Tale of Two Sons- February 2024 Book Review
by: Joseph Hamlin
A Tale of Two Sons
By Dr. John MacArthur
If you have ever read the parable found in Luke 15:11-32, you have read the foundation of this book. Dr. MacArthur gives a wonderful exposition of the account found in this passage. The truths found here are both timeless and powerful. As you read this book, the story you have read many times before will come alive and give you a perspective on forgiveness and hope that you may not have had before. In this book we see the more
The Way of the Master - January 2024 Book Review
by: Joseph Hamlin
The Way of the Master
by Ray Comfort
Growing up in the Midwest during the late seventies and eighties, I was often invited to church youth group events. At these events the youth Pastor or his helper would give a short message and then ask if anyone wanted to “accept Jesus into their heart.” I remember raising my hand and thinking, “Sure, if that gets me into heaven, I will do it.” With that, I would repeat some prayer that the Pastor said and leave the meeting thinking more