THE TRELLIS AND THE VINE- May 2024 Book Review


10AM Sunday Worship Service / 11:15AM Sunday Pastor's class / 630PM Wednesday Bible Study

by: Joseph Hamlin



The Trellis and the Vine 

by Collin Marshall and Tony Payne 

 We sometimes have the mind set that as Christians our job is to share the gospel and that is it. However, if we look back to the words of our Lord in the gospels, He calls us to make disciples not just to make converts. This is an essential aspect of the Christian life and ministry that we dare not forget. As we minister within the local church we need to be about the business of discipling others. In other words, we need to be disciple-making-disciples.

In this book, Colin Marshall and Tony Payne dive into how this takes place. They do this by using the illustration of a trellis and a vine. This book is an easy read and gives us great insight on how to accomplish the task at hand. The chapter titles give clues as to what will be dealt with. Chapters such as “Ministry mind-shifts” and “Why Sunday sermons are necessary but not sufficient” peak the interest of the reader.

If you have ever desired to disciple someone or be discipled yourself, pick this book up and give it a read. You will not be disappointed. 

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The Trellis and the Vine 

by Collin Marshall and Tony Payne 

 We sometimes have the mind set that as Christians our job is to share the gospel and that is it. However, if we look back to the words of our Lord in the gospels, He calls us to make disciples not just to make converts. This is an essential aspect of the Christian life and ministry that we dare not forget. As we minister within the local church we need to be about the business of discipling others. In other words, we need to be disciple-making-disciples.

In this book, Colin Marshall and Tony Payne dive into how this takes place. They do this by using the illustration of a trellis and a vine. This book is an easy read and gives us great insight on how to accomplish the task at hand. The chapter titles give clues as to what will be dealt with. Chapters such as “Ministry mind-shifts” and “Why Sunday sermons are necessary but not sufficient” peak the interest of the reader.

If you have ever desired to disciple someone or be discipled yourself, pick this book up and give it a read. You will not be disappointed. 

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